Why people don’t like Wix?

Is Wix not the ideal website builder? What disappointments drive people away from using Wix? Are there valid criticisms against this popular builder? These are some thought-provoking questions that arise when we discuss why people do not like Wix.

Upon closer observation, the main issues seem to revolve around load time and SEO performance. Studies published by Backlinko and Yottaa indicate that Wix sites tend to have slower loading times, which can negatively impact user experience. Furthermore, it appears Wix also lacks in terms of SEO performance vis-à-vis its counterparts, an issue echoed by SearchEngineJournal and Ahrefs. Thus, a proposal to improve load time and SEO capabilities could likely solve these grievances.

In this article, you will learn about the specifics of these issues with Wix, the potential effects it might have on your website’s performance, and how to counteract them. We will delve into the aspects of slow load time and subpar SEO efficiency that plague Wix users, explaining the implications of these problems.

Further on, you’ll encounter a comprehensive review of potential solutions that could help you improve your website’s performance despite these hindrances. This will arm you with tried-and-tested strategies, ensuring you’re well-equipped to handle these issues should you choose Wix as your website builder.

Why people don't like Wix?

Definitions and Meanings Behind Attitudes towards Wix

Wix is a popular website builder that lets users create their own websites without requiring advanced technical skills. However, some people express dissatisfaction with Wix due to a few reasons. One common criticism is its limited customization capabilities. Unlike other builders, Wix doesn’t allow users to change their site template once it’s chosen. This can restrict creativity and flexibility in design. Moreover, its sites tend to load slower compared to those built on other platforms, which can negatively affect user experience and Google ranking. Another critique is Wix’s poor SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance. SEO is crucial for getting websites higher visibility on search engines like Google, but many claim Wix falls short in this area, impacting the site’s potential reach and traffic. Lastly, some users find Wix to be overpriced for the features and benefits it offers, leading to overall dissatisfaction.

Exposing the Dark Side of Wix: Why Users Actually Hate It?

The Functional Challenges of Wix

Wix, one of the most popular website building platforms, has its share of critics. Most of the dissatisfaction stems from the platform’s functionality and design. Here’s the paradox: while Wix prides itself on its simplicity and easy-to-use drag-and-drop design, these same features are also its Achilles’ heel. Users often find that the platform is too simplistic and lacks depth. Its basic functionality can be too limiting for those who desire to create a more intricate, custom-built website.

The underlying codes associated with Wix’s design ensure simplicity but to such an extent that they stifle creativity. The platform is densely constructed and gives minimal leeway to add or alter existing features. The codes are not exposed for users to play with or modify; everything is veiled under pre-designed, static templates that come with certain rigidity. Customize beyond the line, and you may risk your site’s aesthetic appeal and accessibility.

User Dependency and Long-Term Impacts

Another area that draws criticism is Wix’s hosting policy. In contrast to other website hosting solutions, when you build a website on Wix, you cannot move your site to another hosting provider in the future. This leads to higher user dependency. It increases the user’s long-term commitment, and once the site grows in complexity and traffic, you are tied to Wix’s hosting services and their pricing policies.

As your business grows and you expand your website, this lack of portability of your website data can bring significant limitations. It becomes arduous to move away from Wix if the need arises, creating a major inconvenience for website owners. When you build your site on Wix, you’re locked into their ecosystem.

  • Wix’s overly simplistic drag-and-drop design which restricts creativity
  • Its rigid, pre-designed templates that limit customization
  • The long-term user dependency due to the platform’s hosting policy
  • The lack of portability of your website data and the difficulty in moving away from Wix

Many users find these restrictions to be counterintuitive, continually feeling the push and pull between the simplicity and limitations that Wix provides. The platform polarizes users into two main camps—those who appreciate the ease and convenience it brings and those who feel shackled by its limited scope for creativity and advanced configuration.

Wix’s Deceptive Qualities: Unmasking the Unloved Features

Scrutinizing the Discontent

Is Wix truly a game-changer as it claims to be? While Wix appears to be a godsend at a first glance, offering easy-to-use drag and drop features and a host of ready-to-use templates, it quickly begins to reveal its limitations. The software appears to prioritize simplicity for beginners, unfortunately resulting in a stifling environment for users seeking more complex and professional functionalities. Its premade themes, although visually appealing, provide a remarkably rigid structure that curtails creativity and restricts customization.

The users have also reported acute frustration with Wix’s SEO capabilities. Despite Wix claiming to be SEO-friendly, it takes more than just the basic meta tags and keyword optimization to compete in Google’s dynamic environment. The site appears to lack in functionality that allows better crawling and indexing, canonical URLs, and optimization of AMP pages, which are vital for SEO. These issues can lead to a disadvantaged position in search engine rankings undermining the web presence of businesses, which is a crucial disadvantage in today’s digitized world.

Decoding the Disgruntlement

The crux of the problem lies in Wix’s attempt to be a one-size-fits-all solution. While it might be attractive to beginners venturing into the world of web development, more seasoned users trying to create a unique web presence find this to be a limiting factor. When compared to some of its competitors, Wix falls short in adaptability and functional diversity. The platform does not allow users to switch templates once a site is live, restricting the site’s evolution. Besides, it does not support added functionality through plugins or third-party apps, which puts further limitations on the website’s growth.

Additionally, its pricing strategy is another ground for criticism. Besides the basic free model, Wix offers various premium plans which, when compared against competitors, are on the higher side considering the return on investment made in terms of functionalities provided. And to add to the wound, moving your site away from Wix is allegedly a herculean task, which means that once you dive in, there’s almost no going back.

Successful Approaches to Web Building

Various platforms out there provide a more flexible and efficient way to create professional-grade websites. WordPress, for instance, is a mammoth in the field, offering complete control over customization and a huge array of plugins allowing enhanced functionality. While it might have a steeper learning curve, the freedom to design and adapt according to the user’s requirements wins over many users.

Squarespace is another name synonymous with flexibility. It provides a wonderful amalgamation of simplicity and sophistication. Like Wix, it’s a drag-and-drop based platform but gives much more flexibility to users when it comes to switching templates and modifying the design. Moreover, its pricing plans are much more adaptable, offering a better return on features.

Thus, dissatisfaction with Wix does not mean the end of the road for users. Alternative route to better web development platforms are only a click away.

Disappointed in Wix: The High Cost of Cheap Site Building

Can Wix Meet User Expectations?

The question arises, does Wix truly meet the expectations of its users? While Wix offers a slew of features that are attractive to beginners, its limitations quickly become apparent as users become more familiar with its platform. The problem itself is not isolated, but rather a compound of different facets. Wix relies heavily on its drag-and-drop interface, a feature that may seem appealing to novices, but ultimately sacrifices accuracy and control for the sake of simplicity. For users with specific design goals, this lack of precision can prove frustrating. The creative process is often hampered by a rigid framework that refuses to conform to individualistic designs.

The Core Problem: Stunting Growth

As the user base grows in industry knowledge and technical proficiency, Wix’s limitations become more evident. One aspect that comes under major scrutiny is how the platform stunts user growth. The growth of a personal website or small business is a dynamic process that requires flexibility. Wix’s inability to provide scalability due to its restricted functionality is a critical pain point. Such restrictions also extend to its e-commerce features, making it inadequate for businesses as they expand their operations. Additionally, once a site is built on Wix, users are unable to transfer it to another platform due to the website builder’s proprietary nature. This lack of portability becomes a significant issue, as businesses that outgrow Wix’s services must rebuild their sites from scratch.

The Ideal Platform: Flexibility and Control

Comparatively, platforms like WordPress rise above with their robust features, flexibility, and control over site design. WordPress’s freeform nature allows users to start small and scale up as their needs evolve, meeting the ever-changing requirements of website growth. Additionally, the platform offers a broader range of plugins and themes that vastly outstrip what Wix can provide. An important key to WordPress’s success among users is its portability. A site built on WordPress can easily be moved to a new hosting environment as and when required, negating the need for a complete site redesign. Lastly, WordPress is a free, open-source software. This does not only mean it is free to use, but it also implies that users have total control over their websites, a contrast to Wix’s paid, proprietary model offering limited control.


Having explored the many perspectives surrounding Wix and its perceived issues, one might wonder, is Wix receiving unduly negative criticism, or are the complaints justified and indicative of broader, underlying issues? Based on feedback shared by various users, common themes relating to a lack of design flexibility, unfavorable SEO performance, and hidden costs become evident. A key takeaway is that while Wix might initially appeal to beginners for its ease of use and low entry price point, many users find themselves facing limitations and frustrations further down the track.

If you’ve found our article insightful, we recommend that you remain connected with us here on the blog. Stay tuned as we continue objectively analyzing different digital tools and platforms, giving you a rounded and comprehensive understanding, enabling you to make more informed decisions. Our commitment is to provide you with the knowledge and resources that save you time, money, and unnecessary distress in your digital endeavors.

In our upcoming blog posts, we’ll delve into alternatives to Wix, examining their strengths and weaknesses, and how they compare in terms of design freedom, SEO optimization, pricing transparency, and more. Also, we’ll tackle practical tips on website building and digital marketing. We’re looking forward to sharing this journey with you as we explore and discover the realm of digital tools and their impact on our lives. So sit tight, the best is yet to come!


1. Why do some users report dissatisfaction with Wix?
Several users have expressed their annoyance due to Wix’s relatively slow site speed and difficult SEO optimization as compared to other platforms. Further, despite a big library of design options, some users feel the customizability on Wix is limited.

2. Why is Wix often criticized for its pricing?
There is a common criticism that Wix’s lower-tier plans still display Wix ads, and to remove them users have to opt for a more expensive plan. Furthermore, premium plans are often deemed excessively high-priced given their offerings, especially in comparison to some competitors.

3. What about SEO Optimization on Wix?
SEO optimization on Wix often receives criticism due to its not-so-user-friendly setup. Users particularly find it trickier to perform complex SEO tasks as compared to more advanced platforms.

4. Are there any limitations related to E-commerce on Wix?
Wix’s e-commerce functionality tends to get negative feedback due to its limited capabilities. Especially for larger businesses, the lack of advanced selling features and integration options negatively impact its usefulness.

5. Why does Wix’s loading speed concern users?
Slow loading speed on Wix, even with smaller websites, is a frequent complaint among users. This issue is attributed to Wix’s heavy reliance on large amounts of JavaScript, causing a slower user experience.

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