Why don t big companies use Squarespace?

Have you ever wondered why giants of the corporate world don’t use Squarespace? Why does this well-established, user-friendly platform not appeal to big businesses? What is preventing these powerhouses from taking advantage of Squarespace’s features?

According to Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, massive corporations prefer custom-built websites over using platforms like Squarespace. These platforms, while cost-effective, often lack specific functionalities and adaptability that these businesses require. As advanced as Squarespace might be, it can still fall short compared to the limitless capabilities that tailor-made solutions can provide. Some would argue that Squarespace’s lack of flexibility and non-adherence to SEO best practices don’t line up with the strategic goals of large-scale companies. In order to address this, there is a growing movement advocating for website builders like Squarespace to expand their feature set and flexibility.

In this article, you will learn about the various reasons that deter major companies from utilizing Squarespace. You will gain an understanding of the limitations of current website-building platforms compared to custom-built solutions and how these limitations impact the decision of many big businesses.

You will also explore the importance of SEO-friendly design practices, the necessity of flexibility, and how a lack of these elements may impact a company’s online presence. As we delve into these issues, we will examine potential solutions or changes that Squarespace and other similar platforms can make to attract the attention of big players in business.

Why don t big companies use Squarespace?

Definitions and Meanings behind Big Companies not using Squarespace

Squarespace is a platform for creating websites, widely popular among small businesses and individuals for its user-friendly design tools. Big companies, on the other hand, correspond to large-scale business entities, typically with a complex organizational structure. When we are discussing why big companies don’t use Squarespace, it suggests an examination of the limitations or inadequacies perceived by these larger entities in the platform. It could point to the lack of certain features, customizability, scalability, or the inability to handle large amounts of traffic that are often needed by large organizations to adequately represent their online presence.

Unveiling the Disconnect: Why Major Corporations Turn Away from Squarespace

Limited Scalability and Customization

Even though Squarespace is a popular platform for small businesses, freelancers, and creatives, it’s typically not the go-to solution for big companies. The primary reason behind this lies in its limited scalability and customization features. Remember, big corporations require complex structures and flexibility that Squarespace is not designed to handle.

Squarespace is a website builder coined with user-friendliness in mind, which often comes at the cost of customizations. For a smaller scale company, the available features are more than enough; however, for a big corporation with complex operations, it may fall short. Limited customizability not only places constraints on the intricacy of a site’s design, but also on its functionality. This includes constraints on site navigation, the formulation of intricate online catalogues, multiple level user permissions and other advanced features significant to corporate businesses.

SEO-related Limitations

Large corporations with a global customer base need to effectively optimize their websites for search engines, and here again, Squarespace lacks flexibility. When stacked against other platforms like WordPress or Magento, Squarespace’s SEO capabilities don’t measure up, potentially affecting the visibility of a site and hindering it from appearing at the top of search results.

  • Squarespace’s lack of support for SEO plugins is another handicap. Unlike WordPress, it does not support SEO-specific plugins such as Yoast SEO, which can help improve website rankings.
  • Besides, big businesses need to be able to manipulate their sitemaps to ensure the most important pages are indexed and prioritized correctly – a feature Squarespace doesn’t provide.
  • Moreover, Squarespace’s slower loading speeds compared to other platforms can have an impact on a website’s SEO score.

In between maintaining brand image and site’s functionality, conglomerates have found Squarespace difficult to pair with. Though it’s an appropriate choice for small businesses, startups, and individuals, corporations may find better, tailored solutions with platforms designed for extended usage – ultimately making Squarespace a less attractive option for them.

Power Play: The Hidden Reasons Behind Big Businesses’ Reluctance to Use Squarespace

A Question Worth Exploring: Are Traditional Platforms Always Better?

Is it possible that well-established corporations are missing out by not using modern technologies like Squarespace? The key idea here is that large businesses may refrain from using platforms like Squarespace due to its perceived lack of flexibility and customization options. These organizations often have complex needs and intricate systems already in place. Squarespace excels in providing a streamlined, easy-to-use platform for small businesses and individuals looking for abbreviated setup times and phenomenal aesthetic grace. However, the simplicity of Squarespace can also be perceived as its downfall for larger corporations, which often require robust, customizable platforms that can be meticulously tailored to their business needs. They usually have the resources to hire specialized IT staff who can manage and maintain personalized sites, a luxury many startups and small businesses don’t have.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: The Limitations of Squarespace

The main concern here lies not in the quality of Squarespace’s services, but in its applicability to large corporations. Such businesses often have complex website requirements and intricate digital infrastructures that need more powerful and flexible solutions. Consider the example of a multinational firm that operates different branches globally; they’d require a platform that can cater to different languages, currencies, and legal frameworks. Squarespace’s basic CMS abilities would not suffice for such situations. Moreover, for big corporations with sophisticated functionality and complex mapping, requiring APIs or third-party plugins, Squarespace’s ‘closed’ system poses a hurdle. They would rather opt for a solution that allows them to create their own personalized architecture suited specifically to their needs.

Alternative Strategies: Seeking Refuge in Adaptation and Innovation

Instead of embracing the simplicity of platforms like Squarespace, many leading businesses use more sophisticated and customizability-oriented platforms such as WordPress, Drupal, or Magento. Consider IBM, a global tech giant with a highly complex website; turning to Drupal enabled them to fulfil their intricate needs. Similarly, Microsoft switched to WordPress to power their ubiquitous blogs. In the world of e-commerce, renowned brands such as Nike, Ford, and Olympus trust Magento for their online stores due to its advanced functionalities and scalability that allows each brand to craft their unique customer journey. These examples underline the preference of corporations for platforms that offer them the freedom and flexibility to design and structure their digital experiences, albeit at the cost of higher maintenance and complexity. After all, when it comes to addressing the needs of a big business, a more intricate tool may be required to handle the job.

Stretched Squares or Scattered Spaces: Critical Flaws of Squarespace in Meeting Large Corporations’ Needs

Limited Customization Hinders Expansion

Is Squarespace sufficient enough to accommodate the massive and ever-evolving needs of established corporations? The inherent premise of Squarespace is simplicity and ease of use, ideal for newcomers or small businesses with basic needs. However, big corporations require a certain degree of specificity and customization to adequately reflect their brand identity and carve a unique space in the online realm. Squarespace, unfortunately, falls short in this department with limited design templates and restrictive customization options.

The website builder’s interface is undeniably user-friendly but the cost of this ease is a sacrifice of uniqueness and versatility. Large companies, with their specific demands and complex hierarchy, require functionalities beyond Squarespace’s realm. Thereby, these corporations often seek refuge in more flexible platforms that support their scale and global operations without compromising on individuality.

Scalability Matters

Digitally expanding business operations is a pivotal move for every enterprise right from a fledgling startup to an established conglomerate, and the choice of the right web building platform is quintessential to this journey. Corporations are in constant evolutionary motion, needing to frequently update and modify not just their content but their website’s functionalities to keep up with the surging market dynamics. This is where Squarespace finds itself in a tough spot.

It’s not designed to handle e-commerce operations on a large scale nor does it offer the level of flexibility in integration that big corporations require. Imagine a corporation needing to add a new product line, offer a new service, or even rebranding itself. Such enterprises need a platform that allows scalability without a hitch, something that Squarespace struggles to offer.

A Glimpse into Superior Alternatives

WordPress, Magento, and Drupal, are a few platforms that have proven their mettle in accommodating the demands of large corporations. Their open-source nature allows a vast degree of customization enabling intricate designs and functionalities, often essential to showcase the distinct persona of big corporations. They offer a myriad of plugins and themes that ensure no two corporate websites look the same.

Moreover, these platforms offer robust e-commerce solutions to effectively handle online retail operations on a large scale, a feature that is quintessential for large corporations. Other platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce are tailor-made for substantial e-commerce endeavors with flexibility that Squarespace lacks. Hence, by and large, big corporations on the quest for growth and versatility sway away from Squarespace. It primarily due to lack of scalability and adaptability apart from constrained customization features that are inherently significant to a corporation’s digital journey.


Is it not curious how big corporations shy away from leveraging the benefits of Squarespace? The fascinating paradox that arises from this situation raises critical questions about the impacts that the existing corporate infrastructure, customization needs, and scalability concerns have on such decisions.

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We are preparing to dive into more detailed explorations of why some digital solutions may be underutilized by large-scale entities. So, anticipate new releases filled with riveting revelations about how business scale affects the choice of technology. You surely do not want to miss out on these enlightening releases that will not only quench your curiosity but also expand your knowledge base about the intriguing connection between scale, business, and technology choice.


Why don’t big companies typically use SquareSpace for building their websites?
Squarespace, though robust and flexible for smaller businesses or personal use, lacks the complex functionalities that larger corporations typically require. These corporations need advanced, customizable solutions that can efficiently handle their intricate operational needs.

Do large companies entirely ignore Squarespace?
No, some departments within larger companies may use Squarespace for specific projects or campaigns. However, their main online presence is typically managed through more advanced platforms.

What specific features does Squarespace lack for a larger corporation use?
Squarespace lacks some more complex functionalities such as advanced SEO features, API access, or complex ecommerce abilities that many larger corporations need. Also, Squarespace’s design templates, albeit well-designed, are often not customizable enough to cater to the unique branding needs of these corporations.

Is Squarespace’s pricing structure suitable for large corporations?
Squarespace has a straightforward pricing structure which is generally appealing for small to medium businesses. But for a large corporation with high-volume traffic, a custom solution might end up being more cost-effective and beneficial for the company’s unique needs.

Can Squarespace handle the volume of traffic a large corporation receives?
While Squarespace is designed to handle high traffic volumes, for a global corporation receiving millions of visits per day, it may not be the most reliable solution. Large corporations typically use advanced hosting solutions that guarantee performance even during peak traffic times.

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