Is Wix website builder really free?

Is Wix really free? If it is, how can such high-quality website-building services be available at zero cost? Are there any hidden charges to be aware of? These are just a few thought-provoking questions that most users have in mind when exploring Wix, the globally recognized website builder.

There is a common misconception that Wix’s services are entirely free. With more than 200 million users worldwide, Wix not offering truly free services could be a significant issue. Authoritative sources such as Techradar and PCMag have confirmed that while Wix indeed offers a free version of its services, it comes with limitations. The free plan includes Wix branding and doesn’t allow for your own domain. To eliminate these limitations, one has to upgrade to the premium version, for which a fee is charged. This current structure creates a need to communicate clearly the extents of the free version and the additional benefits that come with the premium version.

In this article, You will learn about the various aspects of Wix’s pricing structure right from the free version to the premium packages. It will venture into the details of what exactly is included in the free offering, the add-ons available for an upgrade, and the relative benefits of various premium packages.

It will also critically debunk the myth about Wix being entirely free, drawing from credible sources while laying down concrete facts. Towards the end, this article promises to guide the reader in making an informed decision on whether the premium Wix services are worth the investment based on their specific needs and budget constraints.

Is Wix website builder really free?

Definitions and Meanings Behind Wix’s Website Builder Being Free

Wix is a website builder that allows users to create professional, personalized websites. It boasts a ‘free’ subscription plan, but the definition of ‘free’ here warrants further discussion.

Indeed, Wix’s free version allows users to design and publish a website at no cost. However, the platform displays Wix ads on the website and assigns a Wix-branded URL, reducing the site’s professional appearance.

If users wish to remove these limitations, they must upgrade to a paid plan. These premium plans offer more capabilities such as custom domain names, increased storage, and e-commerce features.

In essence, while the basic functionality of the Wix website builder is technically free, enhanced features require a paid subscription.

Unveiling the Truth: Is Wix Website Builder as Free as it Claims?

Understanding Wix’s Free Plan

Wix, a renowned online platform that helps users to develop professional and personalized websites, offers a free version of its services. The initial cost-tag of ‘$0’ has attracted millions of users worldwide. However, what many fail to realize is that the free version comes with limitations and possible additional costs down the line.

The ‘free’ Wix website builder is not entirely without cost. Once you sign up, you will indeed get the access to basic templates, limited storage (500MB), and free Wix domain with ads. This might work if you’re looking to establish a simple personal blog or portfolio. But it’s hardly enough for businesses or more complex website projects, which demand greater space, more flexibility and a comprehensive set of tools.

The Hidden Costs

Quite quickly, you might identify that the free Wix plan is hamstrung by a series of restrictions. Primarily, users under the free plan have a Wix-branded domain and ads displayed on their websites, which might not be ideal for businesses projecting a professional image. Scarcity of important features like e-commerce capabilities also limit your growth potential.

The need to have these ‘premium’ features requires an upgrade to one of their paid plans. The pricing ranges from $14 to $56 per month, depending on your requirements. There are four different paid plans (VIP, Pro, Unlimited, Combo) that lift different restrictions and offer a variety of perks. As such, the total cost of owning a comprehensive, fully-functional Wix website is often considerably more than ‘free.’

  • VIP Plan: $39 per month – Offers all from ‘Unlimited,’ 10 email campaigns per month, priority response and VIP support.
  • Pro Plan: $22 per month – Offers all from ‘Unlimited,’ professional logo, social media logo files, and events calendar.
  • Unlimited Plan: $18 per month – Apart from lifting the restrictions from ‘Combo,’ it also provides 35GB storage, no ads, unlimited bandwidth, and visitor analytics.
  • Combo Plan: $14 per month – Offers 3GB storage, 2GB bandwidth, no ads, free domain for 1 year, and 30 video minutes.

In summary, while Wix’s initial website building services may be ‘free,’ the necessary upgrades for sufficient and satisfactory website functionality come at a price. Hence, it’s integral to understand the precise extent of the ‘free’ offer before committing to Wix as your web building platform of choice.

Shattering Free Web Builder Myths: The Real Cost of Using Wix?

Is There Any Hidden Cost?

Is all that glitters really gold? Wix, the internationally acclaimed website builder, prides itself on being free, but is it truth or half-truth? While the idea of getting a fully functional website at no cost is a tempting proposition, the reality is slightly different.

On paper, you can create and publish a Wix website without spending a dime. However, that version of your site is going to be quite limited. The free package includes only basic features, adequate for someone who needs a simple blog or a personal website. It comes with a Wix-branded domain name and displays Wix ads, which isn’t professional if you’re running a business or a high-traffic blog. Besides, you’ve limited disk storage and bandwidth, your SEO options are restricted, there’s no e-commerce capabilities nor can you connect a custom domain unless you upgrade your plan.

Understanding the Blurry Lines

But why is this a problem? For starters, having a branded domain name and ads on your website may not resonate well with your users. It makes your site look unprofessional and can severely affect the users’ perspective on your credibility. You are essentially promoting Wix on your website, which is not the impression you’d want to give to your customers if you’re serious about your online presence.

Another issue is the limited features that are available with the free version. Less storage space means inability to upload more content, images, videos etc, affecting the user experience. Limited bandwidth can make your site slow, which is a major turn off, considering that speed is a significant factor in user experience and SEO ranking. Wix’s ‘free’ package, thus, can limit your potential to a great extent if you are trying to grow your online presence or run a business.

Getting the Most Out of Wix: Some Best Practices

Though the free package has its limitations, that doesn’t mean Wix isn’t valuable. In fact, it’s a powerful tool when used effectively. So, how can you leverage the best of Wix without breaking the bank?

Firstly, consider starting with a free website to get a grip on the platform and understand its features. Once you’re comfortable, consider upgrading to a premium plan that suits your needs. This allows you to enjoy a range of features like advanced SEO tools, more storage, greater bandwidth, a professional domain name, and elimination of Wix ads.

Secondly, make the best use of Wix’s wide array of templates and customization options. It’s crucial to select a design that reflects your brand or personality. A design in-line with your purpose can help engage your visitors effectively. Additionally, consider utilizing Wix’s add-ons and apps to enhance your site’s functionality and features to provide a memorable user experience.

In conclusion, while Wix’s free package may not offer everything you need for a professional website, it is still potential enough to be a great starting point for beginners stepping into the online world. Viewing it as a stepping stone rather than a final destination can help extract the maximum utility out of this popular website builder.

Eye-opening Insights: How Free is the Wix Website Builder in the Long Run?

Behind the Facade of Free Services

Isn’t it astounding to imagine getting a beautifully-designed platform without spending a single dime? Well, that’s precisely the charm and the apparent illusion that Wix, a popular website creation platform, seems to offer. Truly, while Wix indeed provides users with a means to build and host websites at no charge, the reality beneath the surface is more intricate than just that. The so-called ‘free’ service very much exists, yet it’s only the starting point of Wix’s detailed fee ladder. With the free version, users can create sites and receive Wix-branded URLs, nevertheless, the service comes with limitations.

The Catch in the Offering

Diving beneath the surface of the ‘free’ offering, one can spot obstacles which could potentially disrupt user-experience and compromise website professionalism. To start with, the free version embeds Wix advertisements on the built sites, which could be pretty awkward if you are aiming to build a business or a professional personal brand. Furthermore, this version does not cater for ecommerce – a setback for anyone wishing to set up an online store. As for the Wix-branded URLs, they appear unprofessional and could hurt the business reputation, not to mention limiting SEO performance. These drastic constraints practically necessitate the users to upgrade to one of Wix’s premium plans, which moves us away sharply from the illusion of a ‘free’ service.

Getting the Best Out Of Wix

With the major hitches already spotlighted, it’s quite easy to quickly identify what users ought to do to maximize Wix’s offerings. One advisable tip is to begin with the free plan, especially when only exploring or when harboring doubt on the right website builder to select. This free service enables users to familiarize themselves with the Wix setup whilst observing the possible limitations and benefits. As soon as one becomes well-informed about these, it’s then much safer to make a choice on whether Wix’s style suits their specific needs. For those who proceed with Wix, they’re then better positioned to wisely select the most fitting premium plan, thereby maximizing efficiency while curtailing needless expenses. This way, the ‘free’ illusion is unmasked, and users can see clearly what they’re getting into, helping them make well-informed decisions.


Have you ever pondered the economic model that allows powerful platforms like Wix to offer substantial services at no cost? To wrap it all up, Wix’s website builder is indeed free at a basic level. This means you can create, design and publish your website without spending a dime. This freemium model allows amateur web designers, start-ups, or small business owners to have an online presence without worrying about expensive web development costs. However, for more specialized features, advanced functionalities and a more professional touch to your web presence, you might want to consider their premium offerings.

We trust that you have found our blog informative and handy for getting to know about web development platforms such as Wix. We want you to take advantage of our wealth of knowledge in this field by becoming a regular here. Swift action on your part ensures that you do not miss out on any of our insightful analysis, recommendations, as well as reviews about similar web development tools to Wix. So, why not hit the follow button right now? Who knows, the next blog post could be about the specific question you have in mind!

As we have seen, Wix offers a fantastic opportunity even at the basic level of its freemium model. But for those who need more, their premium offerings always stand out. Keep exploring our blog for more enlightening topics about multiple web building and design platforms. For now, let’s keep our fingers crossed, as something fresh adds up to our list. We are pretty sure; our upcoming releases will be equally exciting and will offer a plethora of information about similar topics. Stay tuned!


1. Is it completely free to use Wix website builder?

Yes, Wix does offer a free version of its services. However, this version comes with certain limitations such as Wix ads on your website and a Wix-branded URL.

2. Are there any hidden charges involved with the free version of Wix?

No, using the free version of Wix does not involve any hidden charges. However, upgrading to premium plans for added capabilities and features will require payment.

3. Can you sell products on your website with the free version of Wix?

Unfortunately, ecommerce features are not available for the free plan users. To sell products on your website, you will need to invest in one of Wix’s ecommerce or business premium plans.

4. Does the free version of Wix offer customer support?

Yes, Wix offers customer support even to its free users. Support services range from tutorial videos, helpful articles, and access to the Wix Help Center.

5. Can you customize your website fully with the free version of Wix?

While the free version of Wix offers a large selection of templates and a drag-and-drop editor, certain advanced customization options are reserved for premium users. For instance, you cannot use a custom domain name unless you are on a paid plan.

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