How much does Wix take per sale?

How much is Wix taking from your sale? Are you actually making a profit? Are there alternatives to consider? These are critical questions that every e-commerce entrepreneur should ask themselves in order to optimize their business’ performance and ensure that they are not losing valuable profit to transaction fees.

The main challenge lies in the transaction fees implemented by various website builders like Wix. This can significantly affect profitability for businesses, especially startups or small enterprises where margins might already be quite thin. According to a Forbes report, many entrepreneurs are not fully aware of these expenses when they initially set up their online platforms. On the other hand, business news outlet Business Insider has reported that these fees can sometimes catch business owners unaware, impacting their overall net income. However, the good news is that it is possible to mitigate these effects, and that’s what brings us to our proposal for a solution.

In this article, you will learn about the actual percentage that Wix takes from each sale, how this might impact your business, and practical steps you can take to lower or avoid these costs. We will delve into the specificities of Wix’s pricing structure, comparing it with other popular website builders, and outlining ways to maximize your profitability in an online marketplace.

This article aims to be an ultimate guide, providing a comprehensive analysis of the cost-effectiveness of using Wix as your e-commerce platform, helping you make informed decisions about the best way to operate your online store. With carry-to-term research and real-life examples, this article will provide clarity on how much Wix actually takes per sale and how businesses can work around this.

How much does Wix take per sale?

Definitions Related to Wix’s Per Sale Commission

Wix is a leading website builder tool known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It helps businesses and individuals create professional looking websites without any coding knowledge.

Per Sale refers to a fee or percentage of a sale that is paid to a platform or service provider for each transaction or sale made via their platform.
Wix’s Per Sale Commission refers to the specific percentage or amount Wix charges its users for each sale they make using its eCommerce tools. It’s indexed to the sale value, which means, the higher the price of a product or service sold, the more the fee

Unmasking Wix Fees: The Hidden Charges in Each Sale You Make

Understanding Wix’s Commission Structure

Wix is a popular online platform that allows individuals and businesses to build their websites, including e-commerce stores. One common question that many new users have is how much Wix takes out of their sales. The answer depends on several factors, considering that Wix operates on a varied commission structure. It’s crucial for potential sellers to understand these fees to manage their business expenses better.

Wix operates on a ‘freemium’ model. This means that users can create a website for free, but they will need to upgrade to a premium plan to access more advanced features, including the ability to accept online payments. The cost of these premium plans ranges from $23 to $500 per month. What’s interesting is that Wix itself does not take a commission from your sales. However, there is a transaction fee applied when you accept payments through Wix Payments, the platform’s built-in payment processor.

The Hidden Cost of Selling on Wix

While Wix does not take a direct cut from your sales, it charges other fees which could indirectly affect your profit margins. These include the costs associated with your chosen premium plan, transaction fees associated with Wix Payments, and potential additional charges for using other payment gateways.

  • Premium plan costs: As mentioned before, the cost of Wix’s premium plans ranges from $23 to $500 per month. Each plan comes with different features, so the price you pay will depend on your needs.
  • Transaction fees: Wix Payments charges a transaction fee for every sale. This fee varies by country, but for US-based sellers, it is 2.9% + 30¢ for each transaction.
  • Additional payment gateway charges: Using other payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe on your Wix site will bring additional fees.

Despite Wix not technically taking a commission per sale, these costs add up and could be seen as a commission on your sales. Thus, it’s imperative to factor in these indirect costs when setting up your e-commerce business on Wix and pricing your products. By doing this, you ensure that your business remains profitable despite these ongoing costs.

Wix’s Percentage Per Sale: A Closer Look at its Impact on Your Business

Cost Transparency: What’s the Real Impact on Your Profits?

Ever wondered what actually happens every time a transaction is completed through your Wix website? With Wix’s popularity as a user-friendly website builder, understanding the financial aspect is a must-have knowledge. Wix, like most e-commerce platforms, takes a cut on every sale that is conducted via its platform. Currently, Wix charges a transaction fee of 2.9% plus 30 cents for every online credit or debit card transaction in the United States. This figure can slightly fluctuate in different regions. But why do they take these cuts? The simple explanation is that these fees keep Wix operational, considering their upfront cost is relatively low. This consequently means every sale that you make on your platform isn’t entirely yours, which makes a significant impact over time.

Revenue Evaluation: A Closer Look at the Problem

Now that we understand the basics, the main issue arises — for small businesses, these fees can accumulate to hefty sums of money, impacting your overall revenue. Let’s dissect this problem further. File an annual turnover of $50,000, with an average product price of $20 – this leads to roughly 2,500 transactions per annum. Calculating the fees per transaction (2.9% of $20 + 30 cents) and multiplying by the number of transactions, we find that you could lose around $2,000 annually or around 4% of your total turnover. This might not seem like much, but for a small business, it’s a significant cut from their profit, potentially endangering growth, expansion, or even survival.

Effective Solutions: How Can You Minimize the Impact?

Faced with these potential losses, it’s critical to find ways to reduce the influence these fees can have on your business. Here are some best practices. Firstly, aim to increase your average sale value. The fixed fee of 30 cents per transaction has a bigger impact on cheaper products. Hence, achieving a higher average sale will proportionately reduce the transaction fee. Another important strategy is to explore offering cash payments or bank transfer options to customers, especially ones that are repeat or local customers. These methods avoid transaction costs altogether. Another strategy is to raise the prices of your products slightly, to offset the transaction fee. This should be considered carefully, as it might make your products less attractive to price-sensitive customers.

So, while a Wix-produced site’s transaction fees are inevitable, they don’t have to undermine your hard work. By understanding and allowing for them in your business model, you can ensure that your venture remains profit-generating and successful.

Reaping the Fruits of Your Hard Work: Discovering How Much Wix Really Takes from Your Sales

Understanding Wix’s Per Sale Earnings Approach

Is your current understanding of Wix’s per sale revenue approach apt? Wix’s financial layout mainly relies on a unique model that revolves around the cost of the platform itself rather than per transaction fees. Unlike many eCommerce platforms that have a straightforward percentage cut on each sale, Wix operates differently. With Wix, store owners are charged on a monthly or yearly basis according to a package system. For example, if you own a Wix online shop, you won’t be paying a certain percentage of your revenues to Wix; instead, you pay for the Wix plan of your choice regardless of the volume of your sales. It’s important to point out that payments from sales go directly to the shop owner’s payment account. Essentially, Wix does not dip into your profits from sales, but rather charges you for using their infrastructure, tools, and technologies.

Dissecting the Challenge of Wix’s Per Sale Earnings System

While this kind of model could be preferable to some businesses, it also poses a few challenges, especially for new and smaller companies. New businesses with fewer sales may not necessarily benefit from Wix’s pricing system. This situation is typical for enterprises looking to mitigate expenses during their initial stages. The challenge here is paying regular fees to Wix regardless of how much — or little— you are earning. If the revenue from your sales is low, the fixed Wix charges could take up a significant chunk of your earnings, potentially making the platform less cost-effective for you. On the other hand, for businesses with a considerable volume of sales, Wix’s model allows them to take full advantage of the situation. Since Wix does not take a percentage cut from each sale, profits don’t decrease with increasing sales volume.

Employing Effective Strategy: Wix’s Per Sale Earnings

Wix’s per sale earnings system, despite posing a challenge to new businesses, can still be interpreted as a blessing rather than a curse. It all depends on how one chooses to strategically navigate that. Firstly, during the initial stages of your online store, one can opt for the most basic Wix plan. This involves a smaller fee and allows you to build up your sales without much pressure. As sales grow, upgrading your Wix plan can cater to your increased business needs. Secondly, keeping a keen eye on profit margins, not just revenue, could be a game-changer. With no percentage cut on sales, managing your margins efficiently can add to your savings. Lastly, optimizing your store, creating effective marketing strategies, and investing in customer experience can increase your sales volume. Therefore, while the fixed Wix charges can pose a challenge for smaller businesses, certain strategies can turn the tide, making Wix a reliable platform for your eCommerce needs.


Is it really beneficial for businesses to choose Wix as their eCommerce platform, considering the commission they take per sale? From our comprehensive post, it’s crystal clear that the amount Wix deducts for each transaction varies depending on the chosen plan and payment processor. However, a cursory glance reveals the standard commission is usually 2.9%, plus 30 cents per transaction for North American businesses. This cost increases for various international transactions.

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1. What is Wix’s commission per sale?

Wix doesn’t charge commission per sale. However, it has subscription-based plans with distinct features available for eCommerce functionality.

2. Are there any hidden charges or fees in Wix’s eCommerce plans?

No, there are no hidden charges. The plan price is all-inclusive, but remember to note that payment processors may have their own fees.

3. What are the payment gateways that Wix supports?

Wix eCommerce supports multiple payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Square. This feature is region-specific and the options available may vary.

4. How can I manage my sales with Wix?

With the Wix dashboard, you can manage orders, track inventory and monitor your sales. There are also features to manage shipping and tax settings according to your business needs.

5. Does Wix offer refunds on their eCommerce plans?

Yes, Wix offers a 14-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with their service. This allows you to test the platform and its capabilities before fully committing.

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